Monday, December 12, 2011

Week 11 Photo Challenge: Self Portrait

For this self portrait I held my camera up in front my face and snapped a photo. I feel there is an art to self-portraits because you can't see what is being taken without the use of a mirror. I do not use a mirror. Growing up with MySpace and Facebook this "art" of self portrait has become pretty popular among my generation. I used a filter to bring out the vivid colors. Lastly I always make sure to put my chin down for portraits. It is the best angle to make most faces more slim and angular.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Week 10 EOC: Good Photography Business Mission Statements

After searching several photography company websites I never realized many of them do NOT include a mission statement. You would think any legitimate company would include a mission that tells people what they promise their company will do. One mission statement I was able to find that I liked was for Kelly Weaver Photography ( "We promise to photograph you with passion, and professionalism. We promise to be: loving, warm, conscientious, and energetic. Our hose is to have a personal connection with every client". Now It could be written more professional but I liked that they made you feel that your feelings and thoughts are highly prioritized to make a working relationship between the photographer and customers.

Another mission statement I was able to find was for Choice Photography ( "I am dedicated to preserving the most precious moments in life through the art of photography. It is my goal to create beautiful and lasting photographic images that will touch the hearts and lives of each and every client who places their trust in me for years to come." The photographer makes it known that photography is her passion and her goal is for the photographs she takes to make you happy. She states her goal is to have you trust her skills to making a lasting working relationship. 

Both of these mission statements made great use of playing on emotions. That's why many people hire photographers is to capture your memories that in years to come provoke those emotions. A baby shower, a wedding, or a graduation. Any of these special moments will provoke emotions and it is the photographer's job to remind you why you should hire them. 

Week 10 Photo Challenge: Legendary

I feel my photography has always had an influence by photographers in the past by the way they used light and colors to make their photos unique. One of my favorite artists and photographers is Andy Warhol. He always used  glamour in this work. Though many of his photographs were black and white I knew I wanted my picture to be in color to incorporate my own style into the self portrait. I set my camera on a tripod and set the shutter speed extremely slow with a wide aperture. Since I was fairly close to the camera I wasn't going to need a long focal length. I next set the camera on self timer pushed the button and posed. The results created I thought were very reminiscent of Warhol. Like his other portraits I feel their is a sense of glamour in the photograph with the additional of sunglasses. In a way they made me feel almost "celebrity" because I was in control of who saw my eyes.