Monday, November 7, 2011

Week 6 EOC: How has art changed me?

I feel art has always had an influence in my life. Like any person who feels they need to make a living as an adult I did not pursue any art education when I was first attending college. It felt that there was no way of making a career out of being creative. My mentality was to do something that I thought I could live with. I thought that was social work. Turns out it wasn't my kind of work. Art really influenced my life when I traveled to Florence, Italy for six weeks. That was where photography really influenced in my decision to pursue art as a career. "Art and culture are both beauty and power. While they enrich, beautify, and entertain, they also inform, innovate and connect. Engaging in creative process allows access to; the language needed to build community across difference; the tools needed to inform, engage and mobilize; and the imagination needed to create new political, social, economic and technological solutions to the challenges we face as a nation in a changing world." (

Since my discovery I began my schooling at the Art Institute of Las Vegas. Though some classes feel like a chore, like any type of schooling, but it was here that I finally realized that other people have been affected by art as well. For the first time I have projects and assignments on subjects that actually interest me. "When strategically engaged, art challenges, educates and informs to create awareness."( Instead of it feeling like tedious work it felt like I was learning something I could put to use. After each quarter I felt myself becoming more and more comfortable with my abilities and trusting that I did have talent to be a photographer. Before coming to the Art Institute I knew I could take a picture but it wasn't till I finally discovered that you can love your career that really changed my way of thinking of art. I have always surrounded where I live with art and it took a while to understand that was what I was suppose to be doing. Creating art. "Regardless of whether one considers him or herself a part of the creative or cultural community, cultural transformation is possible only when art, culture and creative process are acknowledged, engaged and present."(

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